Growing Pitcher Plant, Nephentes, Monkey Cup

Growing pitcher plant / Nepehentes/ Monkey cup needs similar as orchid growing condition and other carnivorous plants. As native tropical plant, pitcher thrives well in warm and humid atmosphere however many of Nephentes will adapt in many different growing condition since they are very versatile. So, this plants can be grown all over the world.

Basic requirement to grow Pitcher Plant, Nephentes, Monkey Cup.

Temperature : Most of pitcher plants thrive well in range temperature 60F-95F, however there are some species survive in cooler temperature.

Light : They love 2-3 hours morning sun or partial shade in the afternoon. avoid direct hot sun exposure. In hot summer, place them in shady place. For young plants, it is better to place them in shady area. When they grow bigger and have more leaves, gradually move them in sunny spot.

Humidity : They require enough humidity to encourage production of their pitcher. They will stop to produce their picther when they do not get enough humidity, about 35% of humidity is fine for them. In the hot and humid weather, place them outside. In the winter give them extra humidity by place them in plastic bag or plastic botol, make sure to give them enough ventilation.

Water : Keep the soil moist, never allow the soil dry. In hot summer water them every 2 days. Do not allow water sit in the saucer. Use distilled or purified water. Add little water in the pitcher to combat from dryness and dying.

Soil : Provide good drainage such as orchid bark, spagnum moss, peat moss and perlite. Do not use potting mix.

Fertilizer : Do not feed with chemical fertilizer. If the pitcher do not trap insect. Get them insects or bugs , let your kid to do it, it will be fun.

However growing condition may vary depend of what's type of pitcher plant you have. Good luck!

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