Orchid Phalaenopsis.

Phalaenopsis ( Moth orchid) .

They are easy to grow as indoor houseplant. I bought them in grocery market the price is reasonable $10-17

Temperature : I keep them in 70-85 F in day temperature and minimum 60F in night temperature.
Light : The Phalaenopsis orchids grow well near bright windows, with no direct sun light.
Watering : It is critical for orchid. Water them when the media almost dry, but not too dry , water when the weather is warm if not, better hold watering for 1-2 days.
Plants should be thoroughly watered . In the heat of the summer in a dry climate, this may be every two to three days. Do not allow water to accumulate in the crown for long to avoid contract decaying diseases. Do not sit pots in standing water for long.
Soil : Special for orchid , there are many products in the market bark or moss. They can be found easily in garden store or nursery.
HUMIDITY is recommended to be between 50% and 80% of relative humidity. If RH is lower than 40% in the home, set plants on trays of gravel, partially filled with water so that pots never sit in water. Grouping plants together can slightly raise the humidity in the immediate surrounding area.
Fertilizer : Balance fertilizer is the best 20-20-20 but be careful to not over fertilizer , it can burn , and dont feed them when they are thirsthy, water slightly first .
Feed your orchid when they are in growing season ( spring to summer), do not feed in the winter .
How to re-bloom Phalaenopsis orchid.
Most orchids bloom once a year , with one condition if your orchid is healthy. To keep your orchid healthy , they should get all important things needed such as light, humidity, temperature and enough food.
Here are some tips :

A. When the last flower drops, cut your flower spike all the way down the stem, to cut use sterile tools, wipe knife with alcohol to prevent disease. or
B. Cut your flower spike half down the stem with a clean /sterile tools, sharp blade, seal the cut with melted candle wax or cinnamon powder to prevent bacterial infection.
C. A rebloom will probably occur if you continue to care properly for your orchid.
Simply follow orchid care guidelines.
D. This rebloom should flourish for up to 3 to 4 months in perfection.

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Growing Adenium From Seed

Adenium seed

Baby adenium

I finally succeed to grow adenium Obesum from seed on beginning of May 2009 after previous failure that I made.  I had searched on the net to figure out how to grow adenium from seed, there are many articles out there. I learned from the mistakes, I also did some experiments to use different kind of soil to germinate until I figured it out the best methode for me . Unfortunately here in USA, adenium seed can be purchased only from specific nursery or online shop such as Ebay or Amazon.

3 important things you should know to grow adenium from seed .

1. Seed viability. Choose fresh seed, fresh means viable. Ask seller how fresh the seed.
2. Keep the soil moist and humid.
3. Germinate in warm temperature.

Tips : To get best result add superthrive. 1 tsp for 1 gallon water.

Steps how to grow adenium from seed :

1. Soak the seeds in warm water for 12 hours.
2. Rinse.
3. Soak the seeds for another 2 hours in water mixed with superthrive (1/4 Teaspoon for 1 gallon).
4. Rinse, but do not throw away the water , use it to mix with the soil.
5. Prepare soil, I recommend cactus soil or well drained soil and put them in container with hole.
6. Water well soil until water drain out . If you may add superthrive when you are watering the soil. As my experiences superthrive helps germination.
7. Put the seeds horizontal and press gently. Do not cover with soil .
8. Cover with plastic to increase humidity.
9. Place in the warm spot avoid direct sun.

They used to germinate in 3-6 days.

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