Sunflower Field in Hungary

This picture was taken in Hungary 2008. Agriculture is important to Hungary's economy. Hungary is flat country with large open plain, hill and valleys. This landscape are used for grazing and cutivating grapes, sunflower and other agriculture products. Sunflowers are commercial crop in Hungary, they produce seeds, cosmetic's product and oil for cooking.

I am a fan of sunflower field trip when I was in Hungary.
Sun flower field easily found outside Budapest, they are sown in spring, then they fully bloom in the summer time.

The sight of man-sized sunflowers, huge and tall enough to make me feel comparatively short. How to describe the beauty of acre of sunflower fields which full with yellow blooming and blossoming? I just move my head left to right, they are just spectacular flowers and attract tourists in Hungary.

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Dia's Container Garden


I am originally from Indonesia. As a native of tropical climate, I had risen in warm weather and humid conditions. There are only 2 seasons in Indonesia dry season and rainy season in the entire year. The temperature doesn't change much, most of the time are warm. The rich flora of Indonesia includes many unique varieties of tropical plant life in various forms. Gardening in Indonesia is easier compare than other cooler country or even 4 seasons country. Most of the plants in Indonesia stay green in rainy season or dry season. There was an Indonesian old song, the lyric was " people said that Indonesian's soil is a heaven soil, just insert the wooden stick or stone in the soil, and they will become a plant". This song may right, when I was little, My mother used to insert the stem of plant and 2 week later they will grow. She didn't add root hormone or did special treatment, however now days the agriculture information and technology are developed to help the farmers, agriculture business people and gardeners to grow and cultivate various plants.

I left my country in 2003, and lived in Budapest, Hungary Europe for 5 years. Hungary has temperate continental climate, with cold in the winter and hot in the summer. Practically Hungary has 4 seasons spring, summer, autumn and winter. Hungary produces agriculture products, poppy seed is part of Hungarian Cuisine. Most of Hungarian like gardening including my mother in law. She never reads books about gardening or search how to grow a specific of plants. She told me she got the information from the seller, take them home and take care of them, and most her collection are survived.

In 2009, finally we moved to the USA. We lived in Phoenix, Arizona. Due to Hubby's job, now.. we are in Pooler, Georgia.

I have been collecting plants since 2009. I am enjoying "play in dirt", grow plants, read books and do little research about plant that I am growing. I'm learning by doing..
Reading book and articles has changed my life. I am continually learning and have grown more in the past year through my reading experiences. It’s never too late to get a good education. The more I read, the more I realize that I dont know..but then it creates a passion to reach my goal.
Investing in reading materials is wise.

I am officially addicted to collecting plants. I grew everything that I like in the beginning but recently, I decided to collect certain categories of plant such as Low maintanance plant, native plant, rare or unique plant.

Even though, I don’t have a garden or back yard, it doesn't stop me planting and collecting. Since we still haven't settled yet in a permanent place, "Container Gardening" is the best way for me.
There are many ways to do container Gardening. There are 1000 ideas how to grow plants in the container and bring out the beauty of nature through various garden type.

Go green...keep green , save the planet by growing plant.

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Tropical Hibiscus

About Hibiscus

There are over 200 Hibiscus varieties, this plant has a spectacular looking flower. They are are huge and multicolored flower from red, pink, white, yellow even blue. Blue hibiscus is a rare variety.  Hibiscus can be grown as indoor or outdoor plant. Hibiscus is national country of Malaysia and state flower of Hawai. There are two categories of Hibiscus, Tropical Hibiscus and Hardy Hibiscus.

Tropical Hibiscus ( Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis)
Being a tropical plant, hibiscus thrives well in warm area so treat them as human temperature . In Indonesia this plant is known as Bunga Sepatu (shoe flower in English). Most of Indonesian people plant them on the ground.
Tropical Hibiscus has glossy deep green leaves, 3-6" flowers of red, pink, orange, yellow, double or single flowers. Many of the hybrid varieties can have blooms around 10" in diameter under ideal conditions.

Basic things to care Tropical Hibiscus

Light : They do like full sun at least 4-5 hours for best growing and flowering. However they tolerate in partial shade but they may reduce their flower productivity.

Temperature :
Hibiscus should be located where the temperature between 60 and 90 degrees most of the time. Short periods of either hot or cold will not injure them, they may show shedding leaves or dropping flower's bud.
Temperature below 50F will injure Hibiscus, they will need special treatment for winter. Simple bring them indoor in your house or greenhouse when temperature continouesly drop below 60F.

Water :
During summer season ( average above 90F),  provide them generous amount of water but avoid root wet .
During winter ( below 60F) reduce watering.
During the cooler seasons, water the hibiscus only when the soil is no longer moist.

Soil :
Hibiscus prefer well drained soil with a pH range of 6.0 to 6.5. Organic matter in the soil and mulch on top help to maintain a constant level of moisture in the summer. Correct preparation of the soil prior to and after planting will ensure vigorous, healthy plants and reduce the problems of after care. Do not overpot, means if they are in 1 gallon pot,  re-pot them in 2 gallon pot.

To keep Hibiscus flowering, it must have regular feedings every week during the growth period, March-October. Water soluble formulas can be used with every watering. Never fertilize dried out plants -you may damage the roots.

Picture were taken in Tampa Florida. Most commercial building and residency  have Hibiscus as border and they add beauty to any landscape.

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